ИТК - Индустриальный Телевизионный Комитет http://www.itk.ua/templates/prototype/images/logo.gif ИТК - Индустриальный Телевизионный Комитет <![CDATA[TIC's new / Open Address of Ukrainian Media to the European Commission]]> <![CDATA[Global trends: <br> TV measurement in the world / Досвід та перспективи споживання стрімінґового (потокового) відео]]> <![CDATA[TIC's new / Published the full agenda for the “Television as Business” Conference 2019!]]> <![CDATA[TIC's new / Announced the advance agenda for the “Television as Business” Conference 2019]]> <![CDATA[TIC's new / The “Television as Business” agenda is ready]]> <![CDATA[TIC's new / Ukrainian judging of IMPACT Awards TV festival]]> <![CDATA[TIC's new / "Television as Business - 2013" conference program was updated]]> <![CDATA[TIC's new / A new forum for co-production of TV projects KIEV CoProductionMeetings has been launched in the course of KIEV MEDIA WEEK]]> <![CDATA[TIC's new / Nielsen to measure TV usage in Ukraine]]> <![CDATA[TIC's new / Registration for the conference "Television as Business - 2013" is opened]]> <![CDATA[TIC's new / Only one week left till the meeting of legends of Ukrainian television]]> <![CDATA[TIC's new / 9 reasons to attend conference ‘Television as Business’]]> <![CDATA[TIC's new / New website of the conference ‘TV as Business’]]> <![CDATA[TIC's new / Producer of the Star Wars saga and vice-president of international production at the Universal Pictures Int. London among the speakers of the Film Business conference. The conference changes its format and name.]]> <![CDATA[TIC's new / Tim Plyming will speak about ‘Digital Olympics 2012’]]> <![CDATA[TIC's new / Christian Hocepied, Representative of EU Commission, will come to Kyiv on September 13]]> <![CDATA[TIC's new / 11th of May 2012 will be held the III Professional Conference «Issues of intellectual property rights protection and fair competition principles in the alcohol, food and tobacco industries»]]> <![CDATA[TIC's new / The conference ‘TV measurement: 2012’ was successfully held]]> <![CDATA[TIC's new / Television Industry Committee is hosting International television festival Banff]]> <![CDATA[TIC's new / On March 16 the conference ‘TV measurement: 2012’ will be held]]>