
Christian Hocepied, Representative of EU Commission, will come to Kyiv on September 13


On September 13, 2012 at the conference “Television as Business” held in the course of KIEV MEDIA WEEK Christian Hocepied, Principal Expert in the Antitrust Media Unit of the Competition Directorate General of the EU Commission, will be speaking.

Mr Hocepied will share with Ukrainian experts EU experience about competitive model of digital television.

"The regulatory approach in the EU is aiming at allowing competition between platforms (for example by challenging State aid to decoders / DVBT deployment favouring a technology at the detriment of others (cable or satellite)) and within platform”, Mr Hocepied says about his speech in Kyiv.

Date and place: Thursday, September 13, 2012, Radisson Blu Hotel, Kyiv.
Organizer: Television Industry Committee

For further details please contact to project coordinator Yaroslava Antipina, tel. +380 44 353 13 98

Registration to the conference is opened. Early bird registration is valid till June 1.



Information about Christian Hocepied:

Christian Hocepied joined the European Commission in 1985, where he dealt with State aid, State Undertakings, Liberalisation and the application of the EU antitrust rules, including leading Commission inspection teams in company premises.

One of his main achievements was the drafting of the EU telecommunications liberalisation Directives that set the framework for EU telecom liberalization during the nineties. In the 1990ies, Christian was also responsible for the drafting of the Decisions which ensured the introduction of competition among GSM systems in Europe.

From 2006 onwards he focused on the design of the regulatory remedies necessary to foster the deployment of fast internet in the EU, which resulted in the September 2010 Commission Recommendation on regulated access to Next Generation Access.

Christian Hocepied has a master degree in Law from the University of Ghent (1980), an MBA from the Vlerick School voor Management (1981) and a master in sciences commerciales (HEC-St Louis Brussels - 1986).