About TIC

Ukrainian Association of Press Publishers
Ukrainian Association of Press Publishers (UAPP) is a voluntary non-governmental and non-profit organization of publishers that have joined efforts to promote the print media market, and increase its advertising capacity, simplify the rules and regulations, improve business environment, improve the market’s investment attractiveness.
Association of Outdoor Advertising Operators of Ukraine
Association of Outdoor Advertising Operators of Ukraine is a nationwide non-governmental organization that brings together companies that operate on the market of outdoor advertising. The priority task today for members of the Association are: the establishment of civilized and transparent rules of operation on the outdoor advertising market, optimizing communication between business, society, and public authorities, promoting improvement of the outdoor advertising image.
Centre for Democracy and Rule of Law
The Center for Democracy and the Rule of Law is an analytical and advocacy center that has been working in the Ukrainian public sector since 2005, focusing its efforts on developing independent media, supporting public platforms and movements, and building the rule of law in Ukraine.
Ukrainian Bar Association
Ukrainian Bar Association unites lawyers to promote the Rule of Law in all spheres of state, public and social life, contribute to the development of the rule-of-law state, promote law awareness in the society, develop legal profession in Ukraine, protect lawful rights and interests of lawyers, and facilitate non-formal communication between them.
National Festival of Public Services Advertising
National Festival of Public Services Advertising has become a major event in the field of social advertising in Ukraine. It aims at drawing attention to social advertising as an important phenomenon of social life.
Public Services Advertising Exchange
Public Services Advertising Exchange is a project of the Ukrainian Advertising Coalition (UAC). PSAE’s objective is to raise the professional level of public services advertising in Ukraine involving to its creation the best brains of the leading advertising agencies.