About TIC

Association of Commercial Television in Europe
Association of Commercial Television in Europe (ACT) - trade association representing the interests of the commercial broadcasting sector in Europe, particularly with the EU institutions and international bodies.
Council of Europe
The Council of Europe has 47 member states that have signed the European Convention on Human Rights and extending the entire territory of Europe.
The Council of Europe's diversity is aimed at protecting human rights, establishing democracy and the rule of law.
The official representation (Office) of the Council of Europe has been working in Ukraine since 2006.
GfK Ukraine
GfK Ukraine is one of the leading companies that provides a full range of marketing research services in Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova.
Communication Alliance
Communication Alliance performs multimedia monitoring of television, radio, press, and outdoor advertising in Ukraine.
State Committee for Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine
State Committee for Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine is the central executive body with special status, whose activities are directed and coordinated by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine through the Vice Prime-Minister of Ukraine.
MediaBusiness is the main publication of the Ukrainian media market, a daily online newspaper. MediaBusiness writes about who, how, and how much earns and spends on mass media. Our readers are people working with media. First of all, it is managers who make decisions on media investments: advertising in the media and commercial media projects. In addition, our readers are sellers of advertising, advertisers, marketers and investors.
Telekritika Project is the only specialized publication in Ukraine about the media market, which today consist of an on-line publication, Telekritika magazine and on-line tabloid publication. Telekritika stated its mission as follows: “We want to contribute to Ukrainian society having high-quality media objectively and impartially informing citizens and media managers.” We want Ukrainian journalists to realize their own social responsibility. We achieve this through impact on journalists, media owners and politicians, but also through projects that support the media literacy of citizens themselves.
Ukrainian Advertising Coalition
Ukrainian Advertising Coalition (UAC) was established in 1997 for the development of the Ukrainian advertising market. Our mission: to promote the advertising industry in Ukraine.