About TIC

Initiative “Clear Sky”
The Clean Sky initiative was created in the summer of 2013 with the aim of developing a legal audio-visual product in the Internet and combating sites that distribute content with intellectual property infringement on the Internet. Its founders are the four largest media groups in Ukraine - "1 + 1 Media", StarLightMedia, "Media Group Ukraine" and Inter Media Group.
Committee of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on humanitarian and information policy
The organization deals with:
cultural and educational activities;
cultural and artistic activities;
media industry, national film industry;
audiovisual Marketplace;
advertising activities;

Ukrainian Media League
Promotes the development of a society of active, conscious and responsible citizens through the support of public initiatives; development of media and information and related industries; conduct impartial legal examination; carries out development and implementation of the qualitative legislation; education; protects freedom of speech and fundamental human rights; develop the culture
National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine
National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine is a constitutional, constantly operating collegial public authority that aims at observance of Ukrainian legislation in the sphere of television and radiobroadcasting, as well as at exercising regulatory powers prescribed by respective laws.
Nielsen is a leading US public sociological marketing company.
Nielsen conducts market researches aimed at finding out consumer preferences of different goods, products and services.
International Joint Industry Committees (I-JIC)
I-JIC is the international organisation which represents Joint Industry Committee organisations involved in media audience measurement and research or in auditing of media audience measurement.
European Media Research Organisations (EMRO)
EMRO is a registered association with the objective to promote contact and discussion of individuals working for organizations engaged in audience measurement at a national level for any medium or combination of media.
National Association of Broadcasters, USA.
NAB presents anf defends the interests of American radio and television stations, networks, and other broadcasters in the Congress, the Federal Communications Commission, and the courts.
European Advertising Standarts Alliance (EASA) - a non-profit association of self-regulatory agencies in European countries that aims to promote and support the self-regulation of advertising in Europe, coordinate the handling of cross-border complaints, and provide information and research on self-regulation of advertising.