1. Law of Ukraine «On Television and Radio Broadcasting»
The Law regulates the activities of TV and radio broadcasting organizations in the territory of Ukraine and set forth the legal, economic, social, and organizational terms of their operations, aimed at promotion of freedom of speech, the rights of citizens to receive exhaustive, reliable and up-to-date information and to open and free discussion of social issues.
2. Law of Ukraine «On the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine»
The Law defines legal principles of activity of the National Television and Broadcasting Council of Ukraine, its status, competence, authorities, functions and the procedure for their fulfillment.
3. Law of Ukraine «On Information»
The Law regulates the general legal bases for receiving, using, disseminating and storing information, basic principles of information relations and principles of state information policy.
4. Law of Ukraine «Оn Access to Public Information»
The Law regulates procedure for exercising and ensuring the right of everyone of access to information in possession of subjects of public authority and other administrators of public information determined by this Law and to information of public interest.
5. Law Of Ukraine «On Protection Of Personal Data»
The Law regulates legal relations involving protection and processing of personal data and aim to protect the fundamental rights and freedoms of persons, particularly the right to privacy in relation to the processing of personal data.
6. Law of Ukraine «On Advertising»
The Law regulates principles of advertising activity in Ukraine; regulate relations which appear in the process of advertising production, dissemination and consumption.
7. Law of Ukraine «On Cinematography»
The Law regulates legal principles of activity in the field of cinematography and regulates public relations connected with production, distribution, storage and display of films.
8. Law of Ukraine «On State Support of Cinematography in Ukraine»
The Law regulates the principles of state support for cinematography in Ukraine, which aims to create favorable conditions for the development of film production, to establish transparent procedures for state financing projects in the field of cinematography.
9. Law of Ukraine «On Copyright and Related Rights»
The Law regulates protect personal non-proprietary rights and proprietary rights of authors and their successors related to the creation and use of works of science, literature and art - copyright, and the rights of performers, manufacturers of phonograms and videograms and broadcast organizations - related rights.
10. Law of Ukraine «Оn Distribution of Copies of Audiovisual Works, Phonograms, Videograms, Computer Programs, Databases»
The Law regulates legal basis for distribution of copies of audiovisual works, phonograms, videograms, computer software, databases and is aimed at protection of interests of subjects of copyright and related rights and protection of consumers’ rights.
11. Law of Ukraine «On Telecommunications»
This Law regulates legal basis for activities in the telecommunications area.
The Law identifies the authority of the state in regulating said activities, as well as the rights and responsibilities of individuals and legal entities involved in this sector or consuming telecommunication services
12. Law of Ukraine «On radio-frequency resource of Ukraine Law of Ukraine»
This Law regulates the legal basis of use of radio-frequency resource of Ukraine, determines powers of the state under the terms of use of radio-frequency resource of Ukraine, the right, obligation and responsibility of the public authorities exercising control and regulation in this sphere and physical persons and legal entities which use and/or intend to use radio-frequency resource of Ukraine.
13. Law of Ukraine «On Public Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine»
This Law regulates the legal basis for the operation of Public Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine, and defines the working principles of the National Public Television and Radio Company of Ukraine.
14. The Law of Ukraine «On Protection of Public Moral»
This Law regulates principles of protection of society from distribution of products that negatively influence on public moral.
Defines the main directions of state regulation of the turnover of information products, which negatively affects public morality.
15. Law of Ukraine «On the condemnation of the communist and national socialist (nazi) regimes, and prohibition of propaganda of their symbols»
The Law condemning communist and national socialist (Nazi) regimes in Ukraine and laying down the legal framework for prohibition of propaganda of their symbols and establishing the procedure for removal of symbols of communist totalitarian regime.
16. Law of Ukraine «On the Principles of Regulatory Policy in Economic Activity»
The Law defines legal and organizational principles of implementation of state regulatory policy in economic activity.
17. Law of Ukraine «On the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine»
The law determines the legal status and procedure of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine - a state authority with a special status, the purpose of which is to ensure state protection of competition in business and public procurement.
18. Law of Ukraine «On elections of people's deputies of Ukraine»
The Law regulates the basic principles of the election of people's deputies of Ukraine, the process of their preparation and election for the post. Establishes methods and conditions of election campaigning.
19. Law of Ukraine «On state regulation of activities related to the organization and conduct of gambling»
The Law determines the legal basis of implementation of state regulation of economic activity in the field of the organization and carrying out gamblings in Ukraine, determines legal, economic, social and organizational operating conditions of gamblings.
20. European Convention on Cinematographic Co-production
The aims of this Convention are to promote the development of European multilateral cinematographic co-production, to safeguard creation and freedom of expression and defend the cultural diversity of the various European countries.
21. European Convention on Transfrontier Television
The European Convention on Transfrontier Television expands the legal framework for new transcordic circulation in European television programs by introducing a minimum of special rules in areas such as advertising and sponsorship. Before the powers of the Convention are sent to ensure that the provisions of the Convention have been met by the TV programs. One hour, the Convention guarantees the freedom to receive and retransmit TV programs, as long as the stench meets the minimum rules.
22. Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine «On approval of the Regulations on the state certificate for the right to distribute and show films»
The Resolution establishes the procedure for issuing the State Certificate for the right to distribute and show films in order to regulate the distribution and showing of all types of domestic and foreign films on the territory of Ukraine.